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Learn more about the fascinating science and art behind these products
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Anti-Veonm Balm and Triple Skin Oil are very complementary to each other. The Anti-Venom Balm has the ability to draw out impurities from the skin and the Triple Skin oil calms the irritated skin and assists with regeneration of the skin. We highly recommend this combination when dealing with a severe spider bite, bee sting, snake bite or other irritated skin conditions. The Triple Skin Oil is applied on the affected area at first. When that is absorbed, then the Anti-Venom Balm is applied on top of the oil.
The Electrical Neopulser is revolutionary device which uses a modified pulse to painlessly inactivate venom from bites and stings. Morevoer, it is specifically programmed to help the body manage bacterial and viral infections.
What do we mean by "neo"? This is a new kind of energy that combines traditional electrical pulses from a 9V battery filtered through a built-in orgone generator, a powerful rare earth magnet, and special healing crystals such as amethyst, all embedded in the device. The result is a small pulse you can barely feel, and may even enjoy! Our customers say that it gives them energy throughout the day.
We purchase the basic unit from a manufacturer and modify it with a sophisticated technology that pulses out proprietary harmonic healing frequencies.