Ascended Health
High Vibration Nutrigenomic Remedies using Scalar Energy
Your choices of action may be limited — but your choices of thought are not.
Find something to feel good about and get out of the way, and allow the cells to receive what they've been asking for. That is the key to healing.
— Abraham
A Natural, Holistic Approach to Well-being
central concept

Our central concept here at Ascended Health is to combine science, consciousness, and nature as a blueprint for healing.

For example, our approach to the problem of gum disease is to first get rid of the underlying infection, and then provide a multi-faceted nutrigenomic bioterrain for the oral cavity so that it can heal and regenerate itself in a self-sustainable fashion. Through continuous use of these bioterrain-based products, we have created a reliable way of ridding the mouth of chronic pathological infections.

This holistic, all natural approach to oral hygiene does not involve any synthetic chemicals. We aim, whenever possible, to use organic and/or wild - crafted whole food herbs and extractions. We not only approach the physical energy body, but we also craft products that work with the other three energy bodies as well: Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. Modern medicine only pays attention to the physical and mental energy bodies, but traditional indigenous medicine wisely used all four energy bodies for healing. By doing so, one can reset the biological "eco-terrain" that determines which species of microorganisms naturally inhabit the body. Once this reset happens, a phenomenon known as "competitive exclusion" occurs, such that probiotic microorganisms occupy and protect the body's microniches so that pathogenic microorganisms cannot survive.

our focus

Our focus is the maintenance of the entire body's microbiological eco-terrain. Many may not realize is that every square inch of our body has a microbial community growing on it. Our alimentary canal - from the mouth to the anus - is still the "outside" of the body (we are actually a big doughnut), so as with our skin, bacteria and other microbes occupy our mouths and gut. They are symbiotic with our body and essential to our well being. Without these organisms, we cannot digest our food, make vitamins, and sheid ourselves from harmful bacteria that cause disease. Our body's microflora are as much a part of our "immune system" as our immune cells. They protect the space they inhabit by keeping other foreign bacteria out.

This is why it is essential, especially in the case of our oral cavity, that we avoid killing the normal, healthy bacteria that originally occupied that space. We believe, for example, that using anti-septic mouthwash (any that kill off bacteria - both good and bad) with chemicals is one of the worst things you can do for oral health. Your mouth will be under constant stress to replace good bacteria where it has been wiped out. Often times, it simply cannot be replaced. Root canals or any other procedure that change the structural integrity of the mouth can also open up new spaces for bad bacteria to invade and fester.

non-chemical and non-pharmaceutical, oxygen, bioterrain and
conscious vibrational energy

Our first approach is to be non-chemical and non-pharmaceutical. We use natural herbs, oils, and magnetic healing earths to eliminate pathogenic bacteria. Because our bodies don't recognize synthetic compounds, it is important for our products to be as natural as possible. Our bodies respond best to god-given, natural compounds that have evolved alongside us for millennia. Synthetic compounds are singular in nature, while whole earth compounds carry numerous micronutrients and co-factors necessary for growth, many of which scientists have yet to discover. This is why natural compounds are so much more effective. Modern medicine has yet to use them because they are impossible to patent; synthetics can be sold at a much higher profit than naturally derived and sustainably harvested herbs.

Our second approach is to use oxygen. We oxygenate our oils in a hyperbaric chamber with not just ozone (O3) and oxygen (O2), but with ten kinds of oxygen, from O1 to O10. There are many synthetic forms of oxygen-based biocides (google "Chlorine Dioxide") and yes, these chemicals are used in dentistry; but while these biocides emit oxygen, they also give off chlorine, flouride and other poisons. With this in mind, we don’t use fluoride or soap in our products. These, again, are poisons, not just to pathogenic bacteria, but also to our bodies and any good bacteria. We do not use any compounds that are poisonous to the body or its good bacteria.

Our third approach is to reset our body’s bioterrain. We do this by using actual terra firma: natural high-energy mineral earths from Mt. Shasta, Sedona, Wyoming and Vanuatu. These have primordial archebacteria and trace minerals that set the stage for seeding our oral cavities with the correct bacteria to inhabit our niche spaces. They also are magnetic (containing natural chelators and activated carbon) and have been shown to bind heavy metals and poisons. The earths that we use are the blueprints from which the good bacteria can grow, the actual soil from which our body's garden springs forth. It has the power to bring your natural eco-terrain back into balance.

Our fourth approach is to use conscious vibrational energy. We imprint all our products with lemurian quartz crystal powder embedded with strong healing vibrations. The frequencies transmitted through the crystals come from the study of whales and dolphins, which emit healing vibrations. We use our own personally recorded sounds of Blue Whales giving birth off the coast of Chile (Patagonia) and Hawaii. We also have recordings of fresh water nurse dolphins in the Amazon that help sick humans return to health. We wrap our lemurian crystal resonators with toroidal coil on the full moon and during the solstice to ping our waters, oils and earths with these healing frequencies.

The result is nothing short of amazing. To top it off, our highly oxygenated elixirs can whiten your teeth naturally. We believe that this approach should revolutionize the oral care market, and it is only a matter of time before others follow our lead and utilize a more holistic approach.

Light & Energy
our products — a partnership with light & energy

The best artists and architects in the world know that their work is intimately partnered with light - the way it shines at a particular hour during a particular season in a particular latitude dramatically shifts the feeling of any space. Unless you can acknowledge light as your partner, aware of its powerful effects, you will end up with a creation without any soul, movement, and most importantly, emotion.

We view our products as also in partnership with light. Through resonant vibrational frequency, we strive to give our remedies a life of their own - a consciousness with the sole intention of bringing your body back into balance. Rather than give you products with amazing ingredients in pretty packaging, we focus on our products more subtle vibrational frequencies (e.g. light energy) so that they are nothing less than elixirs of vibrational energy that magnetize to specific parts of your body and resonate it to a state of rejuvenation and regeneration.

Because of this focus, we place special attention to anything that can affect the vibrational frequency of our elixirs and remedies - including how the products are mixed, packaged and labeled. As you see above, we even label our products using both sacred geometry, and words (Google "Dr. Emoto Messages from Water").

Holistic Nutrigenomics
our products — a partnership with light & energy

Just as architecture is equally focused on the materials used, as it is the design and feel, natural remedy formulation is more than just the ingredients. It is about the vibrations that go infuse each one - from the growing of the ingredients (organic, wild-crafted, ethical), the mixing and the packaging (our labels carry conscious "Emoto" vibrations and scalar energy with our products). We view our products as messengers of light, a vibrational energy you can hold in your hand and pour into the body vessel of skeletal DNA.

Our aim is to help your body to resonate in the way it did when you were a child, when we were all-powerful and knew life as an eternal flame. When we could fall down, scrape our skin and not think about how our bodies would heal themselves, because we just knew it would magically repair.

In other words, can we get to a point where we see our own illnesses within a larger context, one that is bigger than ourselves? Believe it or not, we all used to do this - just ask your children.

We do in fact control how we heal and repair ourselves. Modern science, through the study of Nutrigenomics or Nutrigenetics, has proven that our DNA is a predictor of future events with what we eat and put into our bodies. However, nutrigenomics do not take into account one thing - the concept of free will and intention. Our DNA, contrary to what modern medicine may want us to believe, is not set in stone. It is proven that we can activate and deactivate DNA purely from thought. We just need to be connected to the consciousness that brought us into this earthly realm in the first place. The key is in the vibrations of everything we eat and think.

Once we can change our vibrations (our thoughts, emotions, and environment), our bodies (yes, our DNA) cannot help but follow. When this happens in a good way, we heal. When this happens in a bad way, we get diseases such as cancer. Our body is just following whatever the vibrations in the cell's environment are directing the DNA to do. When the body is not at ease with the vibrations you are attuned with, you are in "dis"-ease.