use our products?
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(Full Article available online for $4.95.)
• Researchers are intensifying
their scrutiny of fluoride, which is added to most public
water systems in the U.S. Some recent studies suggest that
overconsumption of fluoride can raise the risks of disorders
affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland.
• A 2006 report by a committee
of the National Research Council recommended that the federal
government lower its current limit for fluoride in drinking
water because of health risks to both children and adults
Page 75: Most fluoridated water contains
much less fluoride than the EPA limit, but the situation
is worrisome because there is so much uncertainty over how
much additional fluoride we ingest from food, beverages
and dental products. What is more, the NRC panel noted that
fluoride may also trigger more serious health problems,
including bone cancer and damage to the brain and thyroid
gland. Although these effects are still unproved, the panel
argued that they deserve further study.
Page 75: TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING: Fluoride
is in many foods, beverages and dental products. The ubiquity
of the cavity-fighting chemical can result in overconsumption,
particularly among young children.
Page 78: Scientific attitudes toward
fluoridation may be starting to shift in the country where
the practice began.
Page 79: But enamel fluorosis, except
in the severest cases, has no health impact beyond lowered
self-esteem: the tooth marks are unattractive and do not
go away (although there are masking treatments). The much
more important question is whether fluoride’s effects
extend beyond altering the biochemistry of tooth enamel
formation. Says longtime fluoride researcher Pamela DenBesten
of the University of California, San Francisco, School of
Dentistry: “We certainly can see that fluoride impacts
the way proteins interact with mineralized tissue, so what
effect is it having elsewhere at the cellular level? Fluoride
is very powerful, and it needs to be treated respectfully.”
Page 80: Clashes over the possible neurological
effects of fluoride have been just as intense. Phyllis Mullenix,
then at the Forsyth Institute in Boston, set off a firestorm
in the early 1990s when she reported that experiments on
lab rats showed that sodium fluoride can accumulate in brain
tissue and affect animal behavior. Prenatal exposures, she
reported, correlated with hyperactivity in young rats, especially
males, whereas exposures after birth had the opposite effect,
turning female rats into what Mullenix later described as
“couch potatoes.” Although her research was
eventually published in Neurotoxicology and Teratology,
it was attacked by other scientists who said that her methodology
was flawed and that she had used unrealistically high dosages.
Since then, however, a series of epidemiological studies
in China have associated high fluoride exposures with lower
IQ, and research has also suggested a possible mechanism:
the formation of aluminum fluoride complexes—small
inorganic molecules that mimic the structure of phosphates
and thus influence enzyme activity in the brain. There is
also some evidence that the silicofluorides used in water
fluoridation may enhance the uptake of lead into the brain.
Page 80: The NRC committee concluded
that fluoride can subtly alter endocrine function, especially
in the thyroid—the gland that produces hormones regulating
growth and metabolism. Although researchers do not know
how fluoride consumption can influence the thyroid, the
effects appear to be strongly influenced by diet and genetics.
Says John Doull, professor emeritus of pharmacology and
toxicology at the University of Kansas Medical Center, who
chaired the NRC committee: “The thyroid changes do
worry me. There are some things there that need to be explored.”
Page 80-81: “What the committee
found is that we’ve gone with the status quo regarding
fluoride for many years—for too long, really—and
now we need to take a fresh look,” Doull says. “In
the scientific community, people tend to think this is settled.
I mean, when the U.S. surgeon general comes out and says
this is one of the 10 greatest achievements of the 20th
century, that’s a hard hurdle to get over. But when
we looked at the studies that have been done, we found that
many of these questions are unsettled and we have much less
information than we should, considering how long this [fluoridation]
has been going on. I think that’s why fluoridation
is still being challenged so many years after it began.
In the face of ignorance, controversy is rampant.”
Page 81: Opponents of fluoridation,
meanwhile, have been emboldened by the NRC report. “What
the committee did was very, very important, because it’s
the first time a truly balanced panel has looked at this
and raised important questions,” says Paul Connett,
a chemistry professor at St. Lawrence University and the
executive director of the Fluoride Action Network, one of
the most active antifluoridation groups world-wide. “I
absolutely believe it’s a scientific turning point
because now everything’s on the table. Fluoride is
the most consumed drug in the U.S., and it’s time
we talked about it.”
The optimal range for daily intake of fluoride—the
level that maximizes protection against tooth decay but
minimizes other risks— is generally considered to
be 0.05 to 0.07 milligram for each kilogram of body weight.
Consuming foods and beverages with large amounts of fluoride
can put a diet above this range. Below are typical trace
levels of fluoride, measured in parts per million (ppm),
found in foods and drinks tested at the University of Iowa
College of Dentistry.
3.73 ppm Brewed black tea
2.34 ppm Raisins
2.02 ppm White wine
1.09 ppm Apple- flavored juice drink
0.91 ppm Brewed coffee
0.71 ppm Tap water (U.S.-wide average)
0.61 ppm Chicken soup broth
0.60 ppm Diet Coke (U.S.-wide average)
0.48 ppm Hot dog
0.46 ppm Grapefruit juice
0.45 ppm Beer
0.45 ppm Baked russet potatoes
0.35 ppm Cheddar cheese
0.33 ppm Flour tortillas
0.32 ppm Creamed corn (baby food)
0.23 ppm Chocolate ice cream
0.13 ppm Brewed chamomile tea
0.03 ppm Milk (2%)